Societal benefit has always been the focus of development projects. Accordingly, they exist to improve lives and to enhance the socioeconomic status of a people. Heretofore, however, development projects would address specific socioeconomic issues, lacking a wider developmental reach, which created limited positive improvement for people.
Having learned that project development is more than just specific issues, development projects are, presently, moving away from tackling specific issues to ensuring a broader developmental perspective.
Consequently, project organizations are leveraging strategies to ensure that the positive implications of project development expand. One of such strategies is the consideration of culture in project implementation.
The Volta River Authority has imbibed this strategy for all its projects, and the Pwalugu Multipurpose Dam Project (PMDP) is no exception. Leveraging on culture cannot be disregarded in the process of project work, as it enables development by respecting cultural heritage and the use of cultural resources, with emphasis on the people in the project area.
The VRA’s PMDP strongly considers the veneration of tradition and the cultural heritage of the people. As such, VRA has engaged in sensitization with the communities sited along the boundary of the project area to inform them of the official start of the project before site entry and survey began. Such activity of showing respect by briefing the land owners at the outset ensures community corporation and support which is key for long-term sustainability and development.
Again, the PMDP’s regard for culture ensures that its engagement of local content for the construction of its 50 MW Hydropower Plant, 60 MW Solar Hybrid Plant, and its 25, 0000-hectare land irrigation scheme is comprehensive and all-inclusive. The local content of the PMDP will encapsulate the people of Northern Ghana, especially the project affected communities in the Upper East and North East Regions, giving men and women alike employment and allowing them utilize their skills towards the success of the project.
This highlighting and leveraging of the local content will not only secure employment and generate revenue for the communities, but will also make the people feel truly a part of having a hand in the drive that transforms their fortunes.
The Pwalugu Multipurpose Dam Project is come to drive development to Northern Ghana and it will not relent in its aim to control the perennial flooding that besets the regions, enhancing electricity supply, and augmenting farming activities through its irrigation scheme.